Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Butterflies, rainbows and magical heart fairies

Things are going good. Really good! Too good! People keep coming in the room asking when the other shoe is going to drop. What they've failed to realize is that there is no other shoe. The person wearing the shoes is an amputee and has only one foot :) .

48 hours ago we sent Nathan in for his 5th major heart surgery to replace his pulmonary valve for the second time. After surgery things were immediately 100% better. His heart shrank in size because it's now pumping blood correctly. All of the pressures in each chamber of the heart are perfect. Exactly 1 day later they decided to close his chest and put the pacemaker in. We thought this was highly optimistic because it usually takes a couple of days for the swelling to go down before you can close the chest. He did awesome with the procedure. Now 24 hours after having his chest closed they wanted to switch out the tube they were using to help him breathe to a less invasive tube. They figured since they were taking the tube out anyway they might as well give him a shot to breathe on his own. It was kind of a long shot since he just had a major procedure done yesterday. Well guess what, he's extubated and doing great!

Not sure what to say other than God is good and Dr. Dearani was put on this earth to fix broken hearts. After all of the wild heart rates and shocking over the weekend Jessica and I were both completely sad and starting to give up hope. On Saturday I prayed that Nathan either get better immediately or be taken from us. I can deal with a lot of suffering if I know the end result is going to be good for Nathan but what I can't deal with is him suffering and suffering and then dying. Thinking of him being shocked makes me sick to my stomach. I either wanted it to end quickly or for things to start looking up. Well, prayers answered because he's pulled a 180 and looks better than ever.

I know we have a long way to go and probably some more bumps ahead but for now everything is butterflies, rainbows, and magical heart fairies.


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