Monday, March 17, 2014

Busy weekend

Well, once again, Nathan had to give everyone a run for their money. Although, to be honest, it wasn't entirely his fault. On Saturday morning his central IV got a crack in the catheter. So, they had to stop using it. As a result, he needed a new line. The biggest concern with all of this is that he is running out of places to put a line in because of all of his clots. So, they had to take him to the IR lab and ultrasound him to find access. Another worry was that we didn't want them to have to intubate him again. We know that he is still recovering from the month of intubation and that if they put a breathing tube in again, it may not come out easily. Also, they had to stop feeding him at 10am. He didn't go to get the line until after 4pm. Suffice it to say, we had a cranky baby on our hands.

He ended up coming back at 6:30pm. They were able to get a line, but it is tunneled very strangely. The line may last just a few days. They didn't have to intubate, but they had to do something similar that probably hurt his throat just as much. After he came back, he was an inconsolable wild man. He didn't stop crying until about midnight. It was awful! There was nothing they could do. They just kept giving him drug after drug and he would shake it off like a true addict. The next day wasn't much better. However, today it seems like he is finally feeling better. He has essentially been sleeping all day. Thank you God!! All of his crying just broke my heart. Even the nurses were leaving their shifts in near tears. It was terrible to see. By the end of the two days, I was having a pity party. Poor me. I'm doing this alone. My husband is back home and I have to be in this frozen city by myself. I hate it, but Nathan is the one who really has it bad. So, I had to shake off the sad face and spark it up so that I could be strong for Nathan.

To make matters worse, he is teething. He already had his two bottom teeth in before we came. Now, however, he as 4 to 5 teeth coming in on the top. Three have already broken through the skin. His gums are so swollen and red. They look terrible. If it isn't one thing with this child, it is another. The poor baby. However, I figure, if he is going to teeth, what better time than when he is on a lot of really good drugs. ;)

On a more upbeat note, my Uncle Jack and his wife Christine came to visit us. I got to spend Friday and Saturday catching up with them. I've not seen my uncle in 20 years. So, to have him come all the way from Indiana to see us, was more than a surprise. It was so wonderful to spend time with them. In addition, we have gotten mail from so many people. We are feeling the love and are overwhelmed by it all. I'm so thankful that I have such loving friends and family. Thank you all for everything!!

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