Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Throat Results Are In!

Nathan just came back from the OR. They did NOT find any undiagnosed airway issues. He has some swelling from the tube and a little damage from the cuff that was on the tube. Jessica is very anti-cuff with babies and has been voicing her opinion since we got here. Sure enough, when they looked at where the cuff has been located there were some indentations in the throat. We really hope it isn't permanent but the doctors didn't know for sure. Cuff Gone! They removed the cuff and they're going to start some steroids, antibiotics, and Prevacid. Then they'll give those 2-3 days to work and try to extubate again.

The doctors tried having the dirty "T" (Trach) word discussion with momma and got told off (nicely)! We don't need no stinkin Trach, he has nothing wrong with his airway, we just need to get the swelling down. Nathan's a super hero and will pull through just you watch. They also saw that his left vocal cord wasn't moving but suspect it could just be the sedation. Jessica says that if it's permanent that he'll have a very soft voice for the rest of his life. Cutting a vocal cord nerve is unfortunately pretty common with heart surgery so we'll just hope that it's not a real problem.

So bottom line is that he has some swelling which could have caused him to fail his last extubation attempt. Steroids and time are what he needs right now. In 48 hours or so we should get another try at removing the tube. Nathan looks good and has started smiling a little bit, but only for momma. He's over there grinning for her and then as soon as I get up and peek over her shoulder he gives me the stink eye and stares at me like a stone cold killer. This is the start of good news to come. It's time to end his/our suffering and get on with being a baby!



  1. Oh my goodness the stone cold killer comment made me literally LOL. So happy he's doing better. Been praying so much for this little guy and both of you. God bless. :)

  2. Aaron.... you did make me smile... At your expense... I'm sorry. So happy Nathan has his smart momma on his side... The best baby edvocate EVER!!! Seriously... I would want her on my side. Prayers he smiles at you soon daddy!...

  3. That makes my heart smile :) I have been so worried about all of you this past week. This just made my day…..God is good! Can't wait to tell Jenna she will be so happy. She went this morning for the sugar test and ultra sound no fluid… Praise the Lord!!!! Prayers for Nathan and the family. Went by pick up the records on the way home from work yesterday sending them to Dr D overnight today. God Bless all of you….
